The application is developed to cater to the production and sale operations of the Cookieman at the commissary and the outlet levels. The commissary module completely handles the production at commissary level. It covers the various aspects of production from material inwards, storing, production, wastage, costing and the produced output that is supplied to their own retail outlets or to other outlets. The commissary module covers the following processes
Vendor Management – Includes features like Adding new vendors, vendor history tracking and vendor status management, orders to and purchases from the vendors & partial supplies tracking.
Material Management – Concentrates on tracking the material purchases, material inventory, re-order levels, setting up the unit of measures along with the ability to add and update the material master and material type lists
Product and Production Management – Includes features like enforcing the FIFO algorithm for material usage in production, ability to track the material details used in production to the PO and batch level, calculating production cost based on material costs and other direct factors, production trim-in, trim-out and rejection/wastage management, comparison with bench mark values, adding and updating the product master lists and product types, setting up the product ingredients, ability to enter and update the new production details, tracking the product inventory, setting up the raw material for product packing, box codes/batch code generation to name a few.
Sales & supplies - Provides the ability to enter and track the sales to the retail outlets, supplies to the storage units, partial sales tracking, dispatch request generation, box codes selection for sales & supplies etc.
The other functionalities that are offered by the commissary module are
customer management, entity management, purchase & additional costs management, Unit of measures, Mail management and user privileges management
Reports - This module offers the administrator’s wide array of reports such as
Monthly Production Report |
Box Code Consumption Report |
Annual Production Report |
Sales to Outlet Report |
Re-Order Material Report |
Stock Report at commissary |
Pending Orders Report |
Storage units stock Report |
Pending supplies report |
Dispatch report |
Raw Material Consumption Report |